JSD seeks PM’s intervention to keep 14-party alliance intact

Voicing resentment over Awami League General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam’s comment against its present, Samajtantrik Dal (Jasod) on Tuesday sought the Prime Minister’s intervention in ending mudslinging to keep unity of the 14-party alliance intact.

“When we got united with the Liberation War spirit and completed the unfinished task of the war and our information minister is working relentlessly under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s leadership to move Bangladesh forward and maintain its development pace, such mudslinging will only harm our unity,” Jasod general secretary Shirin Akhter told a protest rally. Dhaka, UNB News Agency Reported.

She further said, “Let’s fortify the unity of the 4-party alliance further to ensure a secure life for the citizens and tackle secret killings.” Jasod arranged the rally in front of the Jatiya Press Club in the city protesting the death threat to its president and Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu.

Earlier on Monday, Awami League General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam blamed Jasod for creating the grounds for the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the economical backwardness of Bangladesh. Speaking at a programme of Bangladesh Chhatra League at the Teacher-Student Centre of Dhaka University, he also said Awami League will have to repent for making minister a JSD leader.

Echoing Ashraf, Jatiya Party MP Kazi Firoz Rashid on Tuesday criticised the Prime Minister for inducting a Jasod leader into her cabinet, saying he feared that the ‘Prime Minister might someday bring secret killers to Parliament’ as she brought Jasod. Standing in parliament on point of order, he also said Jasod-sponsored Ganobahini killed 20 lakh people after the country’s independence. “Had they not killed Awami League leaders and activists at that time the country might not have lost the national leader like Bangabandhu. The nation has been suffering from that till now.”

Opposing Syed Ashraf’s comment, Shirin Akhter warned that the division among the 14-party alliance partners will only weaken the for-liberation and progressive forces. Dhaka University teacher Prof Anwar Hossain also voiced annoyance over the Awami league general secretary’s comment on Inu. “I call upon the Prime Minister: You please stop your minister as he is making misleading remarks during this critical time.”

He also urged the Prime Minister to make it clear whether she wants the unity among the 14-party partners or not. Prof Anwar also suggested Syed Ashraf to concentrate in is ministry instead of making any comment which can weaken the unity of the 14-party combine.