Dhaka-Prominent actress Jaya Ahsan, who has been passing a very hectic schedule in the big screen, has made her debut in the shot film recently.Jaya started her short film career with appearance in ‘Bhalobashar Shohor’ (The city of love) directed by noted Indian director Indranil Roy Chowdhury.
Spectators will find Jaya in the leading role in the film where she will be seen sharing screen with Indian actor Ritwik Chakrabarty.
Unifox Entertainment, presenter of the film, has already released the trailer of the film on Youtube.
Besides, Jaya shared a poster of the short film on her Facebook page for her fans.
In her Facebook status, Jaya said although ‘Bhalobashar Shohor’ is a short film in length, it will present a full story to the audience.
Jaya collected a huge number of Indian fans for her outstanding performances and bold appearance in Indian film Rajkahini (2015), directed by Srijit Mukherji.
Recently, she has finished the shooting of Tollywood film ‘Ami Joy Chatterjee Bolchi’ directed by Monoj Michigan.
The actress is currently busy with ‘Peyarer Subash’, directed by Nurul Alam Atique.
Jaya received the Tele-Cine Award for the 2nd time in Kolkata as the Best Supporting Actress in 2015.
She was also awarded National Film Award of Bangladesh twice for her role in the movies Guerrilla and Chorabali.