Khaleda again calls for dialogue to end political impasse

Dhaka – BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia Thursday called upon the ruling Awami League to resolve the current political impasse through talks by shunning the path of violence and anarchy.
“We have already called upon the government to take initiative for talks with all to resolve the prevailing crisis and establish a representative government of people through an acceptable election. The ball is now at the ruling party’s court. I do hope they will shun the path of violence and resolve the impasse through talks,” she said while speaking as the chief guest at the national conference of a faction of Islami Oikya Jote at Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
The former premier alleged that the ruling party people are seeking not only votes but they are also grabbing the wealth of the people.

“The people want to get free from such situation and they want to go back congenial atmosphere,” she said.
Khaleda Zia said there are no democracy, good governance and people’s government in the country. All government institutions have collapsed and anarchies are prevailing all over and law and order has been deteriorated severely.
She criticized the government for its misdeeds and failure to ensure security and safety of the people and their wealth.
“The public wealth even in country’s central bank is also not safe. The money is being swindled abroad through digital heist,” she said.
The BNP chief regretted that the youths are going to astray and natural culture has been endanger due to foreign culture aggression but she said the government has no initiative to protect the national interests.
“Bangladesh is being scattered and friendless from international arena. The rulers are busy to hang on power by choosing the path of loyalty instead of maintaining friendly relations,” she said.
Khaleda recalled the sacrificial roles of ulema in restoration of people’s rights and establish justice in the society and said countrymen expect that they would play their due roles in future too.
Citing from a Hadith, she said the most virtuous Jihad is to speak truth in front of an oppressive ruler.
“Please, you (ulema) get united and raise your voice to establish good governance, people’s government, restore people rights, save the people and their religious values and protect the national interest and dignity,” she urged.
She said pious people and ulema are now being harassed and people if any religion is safe now.
Khaleda put emphasis on the need for presenting future generation the path of new prospect by coming out from ailing politics.
“We have to prepare well-thought and realistic programme to resolve the prevailing crises facing by the nation. We have to go forward through implementing the programme,” she added.
Khaleda said Islam is a religion of peace and there is no room for vengeance, anarchy, terrorism and militancy in it. “But Muslims across the globe are being stood at court dock as some misleading people are resorting to the path of terrorism and cruelty,” she added.
Presided over by Maulana Abdur Rakib, chairman of the IOJ, the conference was also addressed, among others, by newly appointed BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Maulana Noor Hosain Kashemi, Abdul Karim Khan, Kallayan Party chief Syed Muhammed Ibrahim, Jagpa chief Shafiul Alam Prodhan and NDP chairman Khandaker Golam Mortuza.
Meanwhile, speaking at a press conference Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said the warrant of arrest against Khaleda Zia was issued with political motivation.
“The case was filed against Khaleda Zia when she was cordoned. The case had been filed with completely political motivation,” he said while addressing the press conference at party headquarters at Naya Paltan.
His comments came a day after a Dhaka court issued warrant of arrest against Khaleda Zia and 27 others in connection with a case filed for an arson attack on a passenger bus in the capital’s Jatrabari in January last year.
Fakhrul regretted that the warrant of arrest was issued against the party chairperson when she was declaring the names of party new leaders.
Replying to a question, he said they are taking lawful action against the warrant. “We will announce programme, if necessary,” he added.
BNP leaders—Abdullah Al Noman and Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, among others, were present on the occasion. – Staff Reporter