Local tragedy global catastrophe: Worldwatch Institute

In the aftermath of a record-breaking wildfire that destroyed 150,000 acres of forest, destroyed over 14,000 homes and killed at least 85 people in Northern California, President Trump said: “Nobody would have ever thought this could happen.”
But in truth, the scientific community did think so – and they warned us. Four years ago, the U.S. National Climate Assessment prepared by 300 experts and a 60-member Federal Advisory Committee raised the alarm that heatwaves and droughts were driving record wildfires, among other risks.
That report was updated this year and once again warns that from wildfires to severe storms and floods – climate change is “transforming where and how we live and presents growing challenges to human health and quality of life, the economy, and the natural systems that support us.”
We should demand that our leaders in government heed this warning. Instead, we see too many efforts to ignore, suppress or interfere with sound science in order to protect the interests of an old economy that remains on a collision course with our planet.
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