Make video clips on skills for people to browse for free

A news ‘Brac signs MoU with a2i to provide technical training to youth’ has drawn my attention along with many others. To develop a county rapidly, training of youth is really important.It is a common trend among our students to have a master’s degree easily I mean without deep understanding of the subject they study. A few answers are memorized just before the examination and they get even first class in the graduation level and Masters level as well in almost all the subjects. Many private universities are one step ahead in this practice.
Some people have to have the degree for minimum criteria to applying for jobs or admission. For many institutions this is not needed. If the criteria for applying is reduced many people will not go to have bachelor of masters’ degree. We have seen many brilliant officers in the armed forces starting of with just HSC degree. Why not it can be introduced in the other departments? After getting appointment, a basic training and even a course of study can be arranged for them.
We have seen many BUET students are working for BCS, Bank, NGOs and other organizations which is not related their fields of study and the same for other professional universities like Agriculture, technical universities and many more.
Some video clips can be made with the help of renowned experts and professionals on different skills and these can be uploaded in a government website which will be free for browsing from anywhere in Bangladesh.
So, I would like to request to the government to produce video clips on different skills and make arrangement for free browsing, introduce a rule that HSC passouts are eligible for any ordinary job. Furthermore, a website can be made where anyone can be registered using the National ID for getting job.
Mawduda Hasnin