Speakers at a programme stressed the need for massive tree plantation to reduce environmental degradation and adapt to adverse impacts of climate change for a safer planet.
They expressed the view at the discussion organised by divisional office of the Department of Environment (DoE) at Town Hall auditorium here on
Thursday afternoon to observe the World Environmental Day-2019 with the theme of ‘Beat Air Pollution.’
Earlier, Divisional Commissioner KM Tariqul Islam led a rally that was brought out on the city streets with participation of government and NGO
officials, environmentalists, students, youths, professionals, civil society members and elite.
Later, Deputy Inspector General for Rangpur Range of Bangladesh PoliceDevdas Bhattacharya attended the discussion as the chief guest with Divisional Director of the DoE Abul Kalam Azad in the chair.
Deputy Commissioner Enamul Habib, environmental activists ProfessorMohammad Shah Alam, Abdul Wahab Miah, executives of different NGOs and youths
also spoke on the occasion.
Abul Kalam Azad in his welcome speech discussed the environmentaldegradation being caused by climate change due to global warming and various
steps taken by the present government to adapt to the situation.
The chief guest stressed on planting tree saplings to reduce environmentaldegradation and improve environment and save agriculture sector to keep food
production increasing under adverse situations.
The Deputy Commissioner called for innovating and adopting effectivetechnologies to adapt to climate change and keep crop production increasing
amid adverse situations for ensuring future food security, reports BSs from Rangpur.