BNP concerned at media report on Zia’s Independence Award

Dhaka: BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday voiced deep concern over media reports that government has taken a move to take away the Swadhinata Padak given to its founder Ziaur Rahman posthumously.
“Newspapers today (Friday) ran a news item that Ziaur Rahman’s Swadhinata Padak (Independence Award) to be taken back. The entire nation has got worried and surprised with it,” he said. UNB News Agency Reported.
Speaking at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, Fakhrul further said, “The BNP-led government awarded late Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ziaur Rahman with the Swadhinata Padak in 2003, and it is a glorious example of political generosity in Bangladesh history.”
Asked whether BNP has got any information in this regard from any source, Fakhrul sad, “We’ve somehow come to know that the Cabinet meeting has decided to withdraw Ziaur Rahman’s Swadhinata Padak. It’s a suicidal and unbecoming decision of the cabinet.”
“Ziaur Rahman had declared the independence and led the war from the front. He had been awarded the gallantry award of Bir Uttam by the post-liberation government in 1972 for his contributions to the Liberation War,” he said.
Mentioning that Ziaur Rahman had introduced the Independence Award, the BNP leader said the ruling party can dishonour him by withdrawing his award, but will not be able to erase his achievements.
Swadhinata Padak is the highest state award given by the government of Bangladesh in recognition of any person’s outstanding contributions any field.
The BNP secretary general said they are observing with frustration that the ruling party is trying to divide the nation instead of uniting it. “They’re doing it in a planned way to make their political gains.’
He alleged that Awami League is pushing the country towards destruction through its negative politics.
Mentioning that their party believes in the politics of unity, he said there is no alternative to ‘restoring’ democracy and forging unity to overcome the country’s current problems, including militancy one.
He called upon the government to restore democracy in line with people’s hopes and aspirations shunning its negative and destructive politics.
Or else, he said, “People won’t forgive you and you have to be accountable to them some day,”