OIC Secy Gen arrives tonight; meeting with PM Thursday

Dhaka: Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Iyad Ameen Madani arrives here on a two-day visit on Wednesday night.
The Secretary General is expected to exchange views on the situation of Muslim World and programmes, initiatives and decisions taken so far by the OIC prior to the forthcoming 43rd Council of Foreign Ministers to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in October 2016.
This is his third visit to Bangladesh since he assumed office. The Secretary General leads a three-member delegation this time. UNB News Agency Reported.
Secretary General Madani will meet Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday noon at her official residence, said an official at the Foreign Ministry here.
He will also hold a meeting with Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali who will also host a dinner in honour of the Secretary General.
The visit is part of four Asian OIC member countries tour of the Secretary General.
Earlier, the Secretary General was invited by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to visit Bangladesh at a mutually convenient time during her visit to Saudi Arabia on June 4 last.
The Prime Minister and the Secretary General had useful and extensive exchange of views on promoting bilateral cooperation between the OIC and Bangladesh at that time.
Their discussion also touched upon other issues of mutual interests, including women empowerment, microfinance, promotion of intra OIC trade and economic activities, situations of Rohingya Muslims and networking with NGOs and civil society organisations in member states.
Madani took office as the tenth Secretary General of the OIC on January 1, 2014.