Partial production at Barapukuria power plant resumes

Power production from a unit of Barapukuria coal-fired power plant resumed Friday after 52 days of suspension for want of coal.

Chief engineer Abdul Hakim Sarker of the plant said power production from no 3 unit started around 2:28 am on Friday.

Though, the production capacity of the unit is 275MW units, now it is producing 170-180MW, he said.

He said, “The unit needs 2800 MW coal daily for full production. Now, we are getting supply of 2000-2,500 metric tons coal from Barapukuria coal mine.”

In a major blow to the country’s power sector, the Barapukuria thermal power plant in Dinajpur was shut down on July 22 owing to an acute shortage of coal after 142,000 tons of coal meant for the power plant disappeared.

To keep power supply normal in Northern districts during Eid, the 2 no unit with capacity of 125-MW, resumed its production on August 20. However, it was again closed down after nine days.

source: UNB