Quality education and JSC/PSC results, 2013

In the name of quality education the incumbent government introduced JSC/PSC examination a few years ago. The government apparently wants to show that the quality education has been incresasing during the last few years as shown in the pass rate and also the greater number of GPA 5 holders every year.Around 90 percent students have passed from among the total 1,902,746 students this year. Last year the pass rate was around 87 percent. Viqurunnesa noon school have got the best position among all the educational institutions.
We all know how the results have been prepared. Teachers are asked to give extra marks in the examination scripts. Teachers know very well the performance of the students. When a few students have passed with good score teachers eventually have to say like this  “Jesmin, Akram, . . also have passed!”
It was also evident that in the admission test of DU, a large number of students even could not pass, though they achieved A plus in the HSC.
We do not want to know that whether the required number of classes were held in educational institutions or not. According to curriculum, taking of 220 classes should be ensured in grades VI-IX. All the students were taught in their classes or outside classes; coaching or private tuition or both. Students follow only their text books or guide books. How many students perform the extra-curricular activities and sports? And how many students have read books apart from the text books.
We found many coaching centres mushrooming in the cities and even in the villages and coaching centres have become richer due to introduction of JSC and PSC public examinations
All these indicators should also be kept in mind while assessing performance in the public exams.
Md. Tofazzel Hossain