Rangamati bus plunge kills 2; BGB check post torched

Dhaka – Two people were killed when a human haluer (Chander Gari) plunged into a roadside ditch while fleeing defying signal of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) at Dhangchhari check post of Chandragona in Rangamati district on Thursday night.
Local people set fire to the BGB check post following a ‘rumor’ that one of the victims was killed in BGB firing.

Contacted, Chittagong Region Commander of the BGB Brig Gen Habibul Karim told UNB that the BGB members of Dhangchhari camp under 19 BGB Battalion of Captai range gave a signal to stop the wood –laden human hauler at around 7:55 pm on Thursday night but the driver tried to escape ignoring the signal.
As the BGB men chased the vehicle it fell into the roadside ditch due to reckless driving, Brig Habib said.
Local people recovered one body from the vehicle while found another man injured. They took the injured man to Chittagong Medical College Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries in the early hours of Friday.
Following a rumor that the man was killed in BGB firing, some unruly people went to the check post area and set fire to it, the Chittagong Region Commander said.
Local police and additional BGB members went to the spot and brought the situation under control, he said.
Replying to a question, Brig Gen Habib said the two people were killed in the accident not in BGB firing as there was no marks of bullet injures on the body.