Rajshahi, July 8: The four canals re-excavation works are progressing fast, expecting to get more cultivable land around canals’ both sides by stopping existing water logging problem after completion of works which can help increase production in the region, sources said.The canals are being re-excavated under a project titled “Extension of Irrigation Facilities and Mitigation of Water Logging in Bagha, Charghat and Paba Upazilas of Rajshahi District”, despite the present novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
Main objective of the project is to increase cultivable land by 1,250 hectares through solving water logged problems and providing irrigation to 350 hectares of land directly.
Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA) has been implementing the three-year project since October, 2018.
The project include re-excavation of 28-kilomter canal, construction of 1,535-meter concrete wall and 100-meter slabs, four foot-over bridges and digging of 20 dug-walls, said project director Engineer Nazirul Islam.
Upon successful completion of the project by next June, more than 1,600 hectares of croplands will be brought under the irrigation process which will produce around 8,800 metric tons of additional food grains per year, he said.
A total of 10 low lift pumps run by two cusec solar panels each will be installed for lifting water from the canal for irrigation in farming lands, he also said.
“We have a plan of transplanting around 8,000 saplings of fruit, wood and medicinal plants on embankment of the re-excavated canals,” Nazirul said, adding that the transplanted trees will contribute a lot to creating additional forest resources along with improving the environment.
Mofidul Islam Bachhu, Chairman of Harian Union Parisahd under Paba Upazila, said the initiative will help increase employment facilities of the laborers and marginal farmers. It will also reduce the gradually mounting pressure on groundwater.