Rural and non govt institutions do better

The rural and non-government educational institutions have done better
than the urban and public colleges under Barisal Education Board in
HSC 2013.
Total 37,403 out of appeared 52,173 (71.69 percent) examinees passed
the HSC examination 2013 under Barisal Education Board from 265
colleges at 86 centers.
On other hand in the list of top-20 educational institutions on basis
of the GPA-5 scores, number of examinees, pass-rate, only seven are
public and including cadet and model colleges are urban institutions
situated in divisional or district headquarters while rest 13 were
non-government and rural colleges, BEB sources said.
In district wise results Barisal with 18,795 examinees from 85
colleges and 75.32 percent pass rate done better than Pirojpur with
6,905 examinees from 37 colleges and 74.15 percent pass rate,
Jhalakathi  with 4,243 examinees from 20 colleges and 72.54 percent
pass rate, Barguna with 5,761 examinees from 25 colleges and 71.71
percent pass rate, Patuakhali with 9,699 examinees from 57 colleges
and 69.95 percent pass rate and Bhola with 6,770 examinees from 41
colleges and 61.05  percent pass rate -Our Correspondent, Barisal