Speaker for ensuring journos’ due privileges

Dhaka – Describing the mass media as the mirror of society, Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury on Saturday underscored the need for ensuring the protection and privileges of journalists. UNB news agency reported
She made the remarks while addressing the annual general meeting of Chittagong Division Journalists’ Forum, Dhaka (CDJFD) at the Jatiya Press Club in the city.
At the programme, the journalist leaders demanded immediate constitution of the 9th Wage Board, and making it mandatory for all media outlets to implement the wage board rewards and allow trade union, saying it will improve the standard of journalism.
CDJFD Convener Mahmudur Rahman Khokon who presided over the programme said the media owners are ‍ always indifferent to forming a wage board as there is no mandatory clause in the existing law.
In reply, the Speaker said she will talk to the ministries concerned in this regard.
About section 57 of the ICT Act, she said it will be amended following due process and the law minister has already cleared it. “I think it’ll be in your favour.”
As Vice-president of the Jatiya Press Club Azizul Islam Bhuiyan demanded reviving Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Services) Act, 1974 to serve the purposes of journalists, Dr Shirin Sharmin said she will seek the latest update on it.
CDJFD also demanded allocating a piece of land for its permanent office.
The Speaker said she will try her best in this regard.
President of Dhaka Union of Journalists Shaban Mahmud, former General Secretary of JPC Syed Abdal Ahmad and former secretary general of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists Abdul Jalil Bhuiyan were, among others, present at the programme.