SSC and equivalent exam begins

The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and its equivalent examinations began across the country and in some overseas centres from 10am today (Monday).This year, 1,651,523 students are participating in the examinations in 3,143 centres.Of them, 1,304,274 are appearing for the SSC exam under eight general education boards while 2,48,865 for Dakhil under Madrasah Education Board and 98,384 for SSC (vocational) under Bangladesh Technical Education Board.Of the total examinees, 842,933 are males and 804,990 females.Meanwhile, 404 students are appearing in the examinations in eight centres abroad, which are Jeddah, Riyadh, Tripoli, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain and Saham.Besides, seven students with special needs are appearing for the examinations. They will get a 30-minute extra time while the handicapped students 20 minutes.The written examinations will end on March 8 while the practical test will be held from March 9 to March 14.