Stocks saw upward trends on Tuesday as major indices of both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges rose with higher transactions of some large-cap securities.
Among the rising major sectors were financial institutions and pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Insurance and food and allied were the major lagging sectors in the day.
The border DSEX of DSE closed the day with 45.83 points up at 5,521.38. The blue-chip DS30 and the Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 16.24 points up at 2032.38 and with 10.68 points up at 1274.59.
The day’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 774.28 crore from Sunday’s Taka 614.76 crore and the daily trade also rose to 24.11 crore share from 19.38 crore share of the previous session.
At DSE, out of the day’s 325 securities, prices of 144 securities closed higher against 154 losing issues.
The major gaining issues were BD Finance, Union Capital, GQ Ball Pen, Orion Pharma and NBL. The major losing issues were Janata Insurance, Meghna Condense Milk, Legacy Foot, SAVAREFR and Fine Foods.
United Power topped the turnover list followed by Lanka Bangla Finance, Saif Power, BD Finance and Prime Bank.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the day of the week with upward trend with its major CASPI 113.04 points up at 17,106.99.
At CSE, issues traded 235 while 105 closed higher against 101 closed lower when 1.63 crore shares worth Taka 46.14 crore changed hands, reports BSS.