Exposing lies, telling the truth

Robert J. Burrowes I have just read Andre Vltchek’s new book ‘Exposing Lies of the Empire’. http://badak-merah.weebly.com/exposing-lies-of-the-empire.html Let me tell you something about this book of 800 pages. Vltchek writes with passion and poetry, describing the true horror experienced by…

City’s double life

Sudhirendar Sharma To strike a balance between religious obligations and human desires, a majority of Tehranis are forced to lie to ensure survival Life in a city is about survival, and Tehran is no different. Survival is as much an…

Legacy of War

Robert J. Burrowes As the world continues to engage in various commemorations in relation to World War I, Australia approaches the centenary anniversary of a defining event in the nation’s history: ANZAC Day. On 25 April 1915, and for many…