Shenzhen, Jul 12 (AP/UNB) — The chairman of Huawei said Friday the Chinese tech giant has yet to see any benefit from President Donald Trump’s promise to allow U.S. companies to sell some components to the company and called on…

Shenzhen, Jul 12 (AP/UNB) — The chairman of Huawei said Friday the Chinese tech giant has yet to see any benefit from President Donald Trump’s promise to allow U.S. companies to sell some components to the company and called on…
by Werner Raza, Jan Grumiller and Bernhard Tröster The European Union’s disproportionate pressure for trade liberalisation risks exacerbating political strains in the last democracy of northern Africa. Tunisia is the only country in northern Africa in which a democratic political…
By Chandra Muzaffar It is significant that US President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw his troops from Syria. The 14th December decision was followed immediately by another announcement by the President to pull out a sizeable number of soldiers…
Dhaka, Dec 15 – Foreign missions here and Bangladesh’s foreign friends are closely observing election-related activities in Bangladesh wishing to see a “peaceful election” to keep its progress “unhurt” as the polling date, December 30, is getting closer.
By Alexandre David The examination of evidence carried out on the protagonists’ phones and computers continue to weaken the assertions by the civil party. Two years of messages sent by Henda Ayari harassing Tariq Ramadan following the alleged rape, between…
Kevadiya, Oct 31 (AP/UNB) — India’s prime minister has unveiled a towering bronze statue of Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, a key independence leader and the country’s first home minister after British colonialists left in 1947.
Iffat Ara Jasmin …
Geneva, 18 Oct (Kanaga Raja) – Global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows fell by 41%, from US$794 billion in the first half of 2017 to an estimated US$470 billion in the first half of 2018, the UN Conference on Trade…
DG did not read the report issued by WTO-IMF-WB at Bali Geneva, 17 Oct (D. Ravi Kanth) – The WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo said on Tuesday that he has not had the opportunity to read the report on “Reinvigorating Trade…
The Peoples’ Global Conference (PGC) against the IMF-World Bank have successfully concluded their activities on October 13, 2018, despite the repressive actions of the Indonesia government of Joko Widodo in complicity with the IMF-World Bank. More than 150 individuals representing…
Geneva, 10 Oct (D. Ravi Kanth) – The United States President Donald Trump signalled on Tuesday that he will intensify the trade war with China on grounds that Beijing is not ready to make a deal yet, and that his…
Nusa Dua, Oct 11 (AP/UNB) — The heads of the World Bank and IMF on Thursday urged the U.S. and China to play by world trade rules and de-escalate a dispute over Beijing’s technology development strategy that threatens to do…
Dhaka – Japan has sought a thorough investigation of the facts regarding the killing of its nationals during the Dhaka cafe attack, sharing of related information and strict punishments for the perpetrators, UNB news agency has reported. Japan also hoped…
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed deep shock over the loss of lives and injuries to scores of people in a recent train crash happened between the costal towns of Bari and Barletta, Italy. “I’m deeply saddened to learn about…
The United States has offered US expertise and technical supports in building Bangladesh’s counterterrorism capabilities as the country experienced the worst-ever terrorist attack on July 1, targeting mainly foreign nationals. Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central…
US President Barack Obama has said his country continues to stand by Bangladesh, Japan and the rest of the international community in their “steadfast resolve” to fight terrorism. Obama said this in his letter of condolences to Japanese Prime Minister…
VOA News North Korea released water from a dam near its border with the South without warning early Wednesday morning, increasing fears of floods in areas already hit by heavy rainfall in recent days. The North did not notify South…
Dhaka – Laying emphasis on extra safety of its personnel, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has said it remains “firmly committed” to contributing to the development of Bangladesh, UNB news agency reported Tuesday.
Family members of seven Japanese victims who were killed in Gulshan cafe attack visited the killing spot on Monday evening. They along with officials of JICA and Japanese Embassy in Dhaka reached the spot — Holey Artisan Bakery — around…
Dhaka-British Prime Minister David Cameron has written to his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina reiterating his personal commitment to stand with Hasina in her fight against terrorism.
The Russian Federation has said what happened in Dhaka once again proved that it is necessary to immediately combined efforts of all the global community to fight international terrorism. “We’re indignant at this yet another inhumane terrorist attack, which has…
Outraged by the terrorist attack, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said they intend to continue to take all possible preparations to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens both at home and abroad. “This matter truly grieves me deeply and…
Brussels, June 29 (AP/UNB) – European leaders pushed Britain toward the exit door Tuesday, warning Prime Minister David Cameron that there’s no turning back after his country’s unprecedented vote to leave the EU and pressing for a quick and clear…
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will hold discussions with the European Union (EU) leadership over Brexit and possible future scenarios during the ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Summit to be held in Mongolia next month. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already confirmed that…
London’s financial firms risk losing unrestricted access to the European Union, according to eurozone leaders. The head of the Eurogroup of finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said banks could move jobs outside the UK if it leaves the single market. It…
Russian investigators have arrested a regional governor, saying they caught him red-handed taking a €400,000 (£325,000; $444,500) bribe. Kirov region governor Nikita Belykh was held in a Moscow restaurant.
The Chinese people will ‘watch the consequence of Britain’s embracing of a “democratic” referendum’, says Communist party-run Global Times The vote to leave the European Union meant Britons were “showing a losing mindset” and becoming “citizens of a nation that…
Six founding member states demand earliest start to Brexit process, but they cannot compel UK to invoke article 50 EU governments have piled pressure on the UK to leave the union as soon as possible, saying talks on the exit…
EU leaders are to meet to discuss the UK’s “divorce” from the organisation after a historic referendum result. The UK voted by 52% to 48% to leave the EU. Prime Minister David Cameron has said he will step down by…
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called the UK’s decision to leave the European Union a watershed for Europe and European unity. It’s now up to her and EU leaders to ensure other countries don’t follow suit. “There’s no way around…