Wednesday was the first day that China didn’t have a single domestic case. The country is where the outbreak started and overall, there have been more than 81,000 infections on the mainland.
Tag: for the
None compensates the BD poor for the rawhide market collapse
The rawhide and skin merchants have started selling their merchandise – hide collected during the Eid-ul-Adha festival – after mediation by the apex business chamber FBCCI. Before the meeting with the FBCCI and the tanners, organised by the Ministry of…
Standing up for the clean air we deserve!
By Mahamadou Tounkara Jun 5 2019 – (GGGI) – Air pollution has become the number one environmental problem affecting people’s health, impacting 300 million children worldwide and contributing to the premature death of 600 thousand children every year. Indoor air…
Storm clouds are brewing for the global economy
The outlook for the global economy in 2019 has darkened. International trade and investment have softened. Trade tensions remain elevated. Several large emerging markets underwent substantial financial pressures last year. Against this challenging backdrop, growth in emerging market and developing…