by Ivan Privalko, Bertrand Mâitre, Dorothy Watson and Raffaele Grotti on 21st November 2019 How well children, dependent adults and the elderly are cared for isn’t about national stereotypes—but it does reflect welfare regimes.
Tag: in Europe

Inequality in Europe—wider than it looks
by Michael Dauderstädt on 3rd September 2019 Most discussion of inequality in Europe is confined to individual member states. Aggregating incomes across the EU, however, presents a sobering picture. How unequal is the distribution of income within the European Union?…

Are anti-immigrant parties in Europe anti-democratic?
In May this year we will have elections for the European Parliament. We can agree that the parliament is the most democratic body in the European Union. We also can agree that the election process for the parliament is democratic…

Tackling insecure work in Europe—a critical moment
Europe has a growing crisis of insecure work. Just before Christmas, the European Commission triumphantly announced that employment in the EU had reached record levels in the latter part of 2018, with over 239 million people in work. Good news…

Why weak competition can increase inequality in Europe
Like many other advanced economies around the world, the Eurozone is experiencing a productivity slowdown. Data from the ECB show that labour productivity growth has practically halved over the last 20 years. Some economists have suggested that low productivity growth…