Buckingham Palace said Tuesday that allegations of racism made earlier this week by Prince Harry and Meghan were “concerning” and would be addressed privately by the royal family.

Buckingham Palace said Tuesday that allegations of racism made earlier this week by Prince Harry and Meghan were “concerning” and would be addressed privately by the royal family.
By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Aug 21 2020 (IPS) – As it continues to vociferously preach the virtues of equality—advocating equal rights for all, irrespective of race, sex, language or religion– the United Nations has been quick to condemn racism…
By Jan LundiusSTOCKHOLM / ROME, Jul 29 2020 (IPS) – On Friday the 24th of June, President Trump announced he was skipping a weekend at his New Jersey golf resort to ”ensure law and order in Washington”, tweeting:I just had…
By Jan Lundius STOCKHOLM / ROME, Jun 15 2020 (IPS) – The #MeToo movement triggered worldwide protests that hopefully was instrumental in making people better aware of a continuous and often hidden mistreatment of women. Maybe can the current I…
Dhaka, June 15 – Bangladesh cricketer Mushfiqur Rahim, one of the country’s most popular sportsmen, has chosen to speak out and take a stand against racism.
by Sarah Chander on 25th February 2020 The sociologist David Williams has said racism makes us sick and this is also true at work. How can we create workplaces which promote wellbeing for all? How work affects our mental health…
By Pablo Alabarces Buenos Aires, Jun 29, 2018 (IPS) – Football tells us a great deal about identity. Even a budding sports journalist knows that. And it has come to be a meeting point and even an advertising theme. But…