Rajshahi, Feb 13 – A two-day ‘Basanta Baran’ programme has started at the Fine Arts faculty of Rajshahi University. Member of Parliament from Rajshahi-1 Omor Faruk Chowdhury inaugurated the programme at the ‘Muktomonch’ of the faculty. University pro-vice-chancellor Professor Choudhury Md Zakaria was present as a special guest at the opening.
Omar Faruk Chowdhury said It’s a very unique programme. Bengali culture has been focussed on this. It’s the matter of pride that the Students of Fine Arts are trying to go to the root. I am very glad to be a guest in this program.
Professor Choudhury Md Zakaria said, Education and culture are complementary to each other. If we want a developed country we have to practice our culture alongside education. I thank the Fine Arts faculty for arranging this programme.
The Basanta Baran includes a Photo exhibition, painting exhibition and a ‘Pitha Mela’ for the two days.
Fine Arts faculty dean Professor Siddhartha Shankar Talukder presided over the inauguration programme conducted by the faculty students Brinto Dev and Zebin Afrose. – RU Correspondent