AL men tried to make easy money on manpower to Malaysia: Noman

Dhaka – BNP senior leader Abdullah Al Noman on Saturday alleged that ruling party men tried to create a ground to make easy money in the name of sending 15 lakh workers to Malaysia.
“The government announced it with much hype that Malaysia will hire 15 lakh workers from Bangladesh. But, Malaysia protested it saying the information is not correct,” he said.

Addressing a protest programme, he further said, “It seems that the leaders of Awami League and Jubo league have tried to create means for taking crores of taka from people through their agents in the name of sending workers to Malaysia.”
Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Anee Mukti Parishad arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club demanding the release of the BNP leader.
On Thursday, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was singed between Bangladesh and Malaysia to send 15 lakh Bangladeshi workers to the county under the government to government plus (G2G plus) agreement over the next three years.
In a quick reversal of its stance, Malaysia on Friday ‘suspended’ the recruitment of all foreign workers to Malaysia, including those from Bangladesh.
Noman said their party will again take to the streets for restoration of democracy in the country after reorganising it through its upcoming council.
Mentioning that no oppressive and autocratic regime could hang onto power against people’s will in the past, he said the current regime will also be forced to quit in the face of a united movement of people.