Ansar member shot dead in city

Miscreants shot dead a member of Ansar in T&T Colony area of Moghbazar in the city early Thursday. The victim was identified as Abdul Halim, 28, son of Mirza Fakir of Shaghata upazila in Gaibandha. Contacted, Sub-inspector Hafiz of Ramna police station told UNB that Abdul Halim, posted in T&T Colony Ansar camp, along with two others were on duty in front of the colony gate at about 1:15 am. All of a sudden, a group of miscreants, numbering 5-6, wearing helmets riding two rickshaws tried to enter the colony through the gate. As the Ansar members intercepted them, there took place an altercation between them and the armed hoodlums. At one stage, the gangsters fired gunshots targeting them and Halim received multiple bullet injuries, SI Hafiz said. He was rushed to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The reason behind the killing could not be known immediately. – UNB