Coaching business goes on unchecked in Khulna city

Coaching business still continues unhindered in different educational institutions of
Khulna city, in defiance of a set of regulations fixed by the government a year ago.
These coaching centres are teaching students unethical practices, including leakage of
question papers, instead of boosting morale in them.
Some teachers engage themselves in coaching business to make a fast
Buck rather than giving proper attention to the regular studies of their students.
The present government last year formulated a set of regulations for teachers to curb
unauthorised coaching practice at the educational institutions.
But the rules seem to have remained in papers only.
In different schools and colleges, the authorities are conducting coaching classes openly.
They are opening more than one batch for coaching and teachers are getting additional
financial benefit from it.
Recently, guardians of Iqbal Nagar Secondary Girls High School submitted a written
complaint in this regard to the chairman of the school managing committee.
Immediately after the complaint submitted, some question papers were leaked from the
school on August 29.
Then the authorities were compelled to change the examination dates.
In the complaint, the guardians alleged that a few teachers of the institution were running
a coaching centre and a kindergarten in front of the school.
Those teachers were also providing coaching service to female students in the new
building of the school for a certain time.
If the students refuse to receive coaching service, they are given less numbers in the
examination, a few guardians alleged.
Besides, the teachers leak question papers for the coaching students so that they can get
increased marks in the examinations.
During a visit to the school recently, this correspondent found the headmaster of the
school absent.
Assistant head teacher Firoza Banu said those teachers against whom the complaint was
lodged were not present at the moment in the school.
When asked the reason for deferment of the August 29 examination, she said cited the
delay in printing question papers.
She declined to make any comment about the reported question paper leakage without
consent of the headmaster. –UNB, Khulna