Coronavirus doesn’t have to be a killer disease

Sir Frank Peters
It’s always soul uplifting and heart-warming to see the youth of Bangladesh show they care for people, especially the elderly and sick. Helping their fellow man in times of trouble is nothing new to the members of Revolution To Improve Bangladesh (RTIB), but Coronavirus offered them somewhat of a challenge.
The organization of do-gooders is well established and admired for the charity work they perform regularly, including concerts and free for all lotteries.
Similar to other good-natured organizations, their regular good works came to an abrupt standstill in January with the arrival of the coronavirus, but that did not deter them from performing noble deeds.
More recently, the young members, which comprises of local, totally non-political young humanitarians, undertook the task of going from door to door and informing families of the coronavirus dangers that lurk unseen everywhere and the importance of taking simple precautions, like the washing of hands.
Local boy Rubel Hussain formed the group five years ago in Haydarabad, Gazipur. It has since grown into a small army of 100 similar-minded do-gooders.
RTIB spokesman Ashikur Rahman said: “Fear of the unknown always has a negative effect on people. While coronavirus is a killer disease, it does not have to be a death sentence. Enough is known about the virus that allows us to take precautions against contracting the disease. It’s these precautions we have been passing on for the benefit of the community,” he said.