Dry weather likely

Light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at one or two places over Dhaka, Khulna,Barisal and Chittagong divisions in 24 hours till 6pm tomorrow (Saturday).
Weather may remain mainly dry with temporary partly cloudy sky elsewhere over the country, Met Office said. Day and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the country.
The sun sets in the capital tomorrow at 5:29pm and rises on Sunday at 5:58am. Country’s highest temperature 35.1 degree Celsius was recorded today at Sandwhip and lowest 22.7 degrees at Dinajpur.Highest and lowest temperature and humidity recorded in some major cities and towns today were:
City/Town             Temperature          Humidity
in Celsius               in percentage
Max:       Min:        Morning   Evening
Dhaka                    34.0       25.3           68        67
Chittagong             31.8       25.5           79         79
Rajshahi                 33.2       23.8           89        79
Rangpur                 33.4       24.0           75        76
Khulna                   35.0       26.0           79         80
Barisal                   33.5       25.5          80         89
Sylhet                   34.6       24.7           69         68
Cox’s Bazar            34.0       25.3           76         76