Warlord Bosco Ntaganda becomes the first person to be convicted of sexual slavery by the International Criminal Court. Women and girls conscripted into his army were forced into sexual servitude amongst multiple horrific crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo including using child soldiers, rape and murder.On World Day for International Justice share the news and invite your network to pledge their support for freedom for girls.
The case brought against Ntaganda focused on two attacks that took place over 16 years ago, in 2002 and 2003. The judgement from the court holds Ntaganda responsible as an “indirect perpetrator” for the crime of sexual enslavement of women and girls committed by members of his army. One of their victims was just 11 years old.
The Guardian reports:
“The conviction is an important achievement for the ICC, which has had a series of setbacks in recent years. The institution remains deeply controversial, especially in Africa where most of its investigations have been focused.
Ntaganda, whose cruelty and violence earned him the nickname “the Terminator”, will be sentenced on 13 counts of war crimes and five counts of crimes against humanity at a later date after judges hear submissions from victims. He could face a life sentence.” – Freedom United