JCD dissidents attack car carrying BNP’s Annie, Tuku

The Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal leaders, who were left out of posts in the new committee of the orgainsation yesterday attacked a car carrying the BNP student affairs secretary Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie and assistant secretary Sultan Salahuddin Tuku.
The car came under attack in front of Military Museum near the Novo Theatre at about 11:15am when they were going to the mazar of late President Ziaur Rahman following the motorcade BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia.The former premier went to there to place wreath at the mazar of the BNP founder Ziaur Rahman to mark the National Revolution and Solidarity Day of the party.
The BNP leaders escaped unhurt but their car was damaged as the agitated JCD leader hurled stones targeting their car. However, it is learnt that a member of CSF (chairperson’s security force) was injured as he was knocked by another car during the trouble.
“Several thousands JCD leaders and activists took position in front of Novo Theatre to receive the party chairperson. As she crossed the Bijoy Soroni, some of the JCD activists started hurling rocks towards a car carrying Annie and Tuku,” he said.
He said, senior JCD leaders restrained their junior fellows to refrain from hurling stones shouting that “catch the collaborators”.
After the attack, newly elected JCD leaders and activists led by its president and general secretary placed wreath at Zia’s mazar. Annie or Tuku were not present at that time.
The ‘deprived’ JCD leaders are planning to resume their agitation on front of BNP central office from Sunday as central leaders have failed to resolve their issues amicably.
“We will certainly stage demonstration on Sunday as senior party leaders are not giving importance to our demand to remove Annie and Tuku,” said Toriqul Islam Titu, a former joint secretary of JCD.
He said during a recent meeting with the party secretary general we demanded the removal of Annie and Tuku who has given a controversial JCD committee but we did did not get any positive response from him.
“Now, our only demand is to remove Annie and Tuku. We do not want any post in the JCD committee,” he added.
The deprived JCD leaders started staging demonstration in front of the party headquarters following the announcement of new JCD committee on October 14.- Staff Reporter