Khaleda calls Hasina ‘PM in name only’

Claiming that Sheikh Hasina is ‘prime minister in name only’, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Saturday said the prime minister works at the dictate of others.“It’s difficult to say whether she who is sitting in Bangladesh is the prime minister or anything else. Country’s people think she is not prime minister. She acts at the dictate of others. She is a prime minister in name alone,” Khaleda said.

She was addressing an iftar party arranged by Jagpa, one of the components of the BNP-led 20-party alliance, at a city hotel.The BNP chief also claimed that the basic values of the Liberation War, democracy, justice, equal rights and security of all are absent in the country.She said those who are ruling the country are not people’s representatives. “They have no people’s mandate.”Taking a swipe at the government for the arrests in the recent weeklong crackdown, Khaleda said although there is a court order banning arrest without any warrant and in plainclothes at night, it does not pay any heed to this. “Instead, they’re dictating to the court as to what to do and what not to do,” she said.