Kick single use plastic out of your life

Learn why plastic is so deadly and how you can do your part in your life and your community to take action. Creating a sustainable world for future generations requires that we commit to managing deadly waste from our modern societies. Plastic Pollution is killing the planet. It’s time to take it seriously.
Installment 4 of this series: Kick single use plastic out of your life
Are you ready to make some small changes in your daily habits?
Here are ten things you can do to kick single use plastic out of your life:
1. Just say no to plastic bags.. Carry a tote or backpack when you’re out shopping.
2. Just say no to plastic drink bottles. Get a water filter, Carbonate your own beverages. Carry a refillable water bottle. Select cardboard containers when you can. Prefer aluminum cans to plastic bottles: they have a much higher chance of being recycled.
3. Stop using plastic straws. Don’ use them at all or choose to use paper or compostable sstraws.
4. Avoid packaging-intensive foods. Shop for fresh ingredients or purchase in bulk.
5. Patronize a dry cleaner that uses reusable garment bags.
6. Boycott microbeads. Don’t buy beauty products, toothpaste, body washes where ‘polypropylene’ and ‘polyethylene’ are listed as ingredients.
7. Buy laundry and other detergents in cardboard boxes instead of plastic.
8. Avoid plastic containers for juices, condiments in plastic squeeze bottles, etc..
9. Bring your own thermos to the coffee shop.
10. Don’t use plastic cups at parties. But if you must, buy compostable plastic cups that are now widely available.
– Worldwatch Institute