Killer camouflaged to deceive Milki

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) on Wednesday said Juba League leader Zahid Siddique Tarek was in disguise, dressed in a white Punjabi-Pajama and wearing a scalp hat, to deceive Reazul Haque Milki when he gunned down the leader of his own organisation. Milki, an organising secretary of the Dhaka Metropolitan (south) unit, was shot in the head in the early hours of Tuesday in front of a Gulshan shopping centre.
A closed-circuit camera in the shopping mall captured the incident. Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) identified Tarek, another organising secretary of the Awami League’ youth front as the killer from the video footage and arrested him within hours of the killing.
”When we analysed the video footage, we saw Zahid walking right towards Milki holding a mobile phone on his left ear and shooting him with a firearm on his right hand,” RAB’s Media Cell Director ATM Habibur Rahman said. –