Dr. M. S. Haq
I have so far written a number of articles that dealt with inter alia – dissection of relevant editorials, post editorials of newspapers of Bangladesh; and suggestions for remedial measures, as appropriate though, in pertinent areas. I have also raised, with certain people, matters pertaining to quality enhancements of media products such as editorials and requested their contributions towards improvements, as required. It implies inter alia changes for better in for example domains of media of Bangladesh (print, electronic, others) are now over due – against the backdrop of changing realities at local, global and other levels – under growing regimes of interdependencies, progressive re-integrations, and continuing uncertainties including those arising out of and in the course of technological obsolescence in relevant areas.Demands for meaningful media roles, relative to time, space and other variables though, are on the rise in areas such as and as appropriate – I. the media as an emerging pillar of state; II. all-media transactions (print, electronic, others) for supplementation, complementation and other related things, as required, for media sustainability; III. competitive media resilience during peace times, in emergencies, and in other times; IV. development of solid public broadcasting for media-people synergy plus satisfaction and for people’s ownership of national plus other developments, to mention a few – in that respect, present day efforts by say DD (Dur Darshan, India), Zee News (India) and GEO TV (Pakistan) are, in certain ways, encouraging; V. constructive, pluralistic and responsible media – free from inter alia harmful partisan politics, religious and other divisions beyond tolerable limits of all concerned, media pollutions on account of excessive media commercialism, and media wastage (in the form say, media corruption, fabricated news, half news, news containing quarter of a truth or no truth); VI. antidotes to harmful media greed; and VII. enhancement of media related choices of world people on a per capita basis.
Further, deeper and wider realizations of roles of media in for example peace, progress, prosperity, human development, and ‘quality’ DNA transfers are being instrumental in inter alia and as appropriate forming and shaping 21st century frameworks and guiding principles in areas say media accountability, as well as transparency – at local, global and other levels. The bad news is: relevant media in concerned countries have been suffering, as appropriate though, from poor health, poor product quality, poor product delivery, poor media justice, and poor corporate responsibilities, to mention a few. It implies inter alia and as appropriate windfalls from outcomes of above and other developments have been constraining rapid and sustainable developments of modern media at conceptual, operation and other levels of all concerned.
The good news is: the average media contribution of Bangladesh – especially, those from the country’s relatively young domain of electronic media (for example NTV, Bangla Vision, Channel I, Eakattor TV, Shomoy TV, Ekushey TV, SATV) – have already started demonstrating, in certain ways though, potentials for their future developments as for example competitive electronic media at local, global and other levels. It will not be out of place to mention here, among other things – oversimplification of media narratives could hinder an accelerated development of the country’s information and knowledge banks (I call it in that way). Further, Bangladeshi media should not forget – diversity is one of the sources and forces of changes for better in pertinent areas. Still further, the media should not forget – its future successes would depend on inter alia as to how best and quickest the media outcomes could trigger motivations for imaginations that could subsequently lead to eventual breakthroughs in relevant areas.
Developments of critical mass of say editorials of newspapers (print, online and others) in pursuits of for example further enhancement of their competitiveness could require, for example and as appropriate: 01. a proper balance between subjectivity and objectivity of editorials for making them more substantive and more result-oriented than that at present, capable of enlargement of choices of readers and concerned others – at a variety of individual and other differential levels – in the effort towards for example empowering all concerned via say up to-date knowledge and information for say informed decisions in pertinent areas. 02. integration of timely and useful suggestions into say anatomy (morphology) of editorials in relevant areas could create thrusts for changes for better in minds of all concerned. Resultant outcomes from above and other developments could get eventual expressions in the form of measures contributing to national development, in particular and global development at large, in general. 03. step up efforts towards facilitating transformation of future into present and past into future for inter alia and as appropriate good of people of Bangladesh, in particular and people of world at large – with the help of media power, will power, and other power of Gene mechanics.
The last word: maintain homeostasis of print, electronic and other media products with the help of servomechanisms (used in an engineering sense) such as satisfaction of the market. Move – in a planed manner – towards repositioning of media products in interdisciplinary world of knowledge, understanding, application and recycling, to mention a few. The media could – by doing that – meet people’s per capita media entitlements of 21st century. Design media products that could help people to reinvent themselves in pursuits of say better and responsible citizenships of the world. Let us work towards that. God bless. (The author is inter alia former Government Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister of Fiji – Suva, South Pacific)