Muslim women’s peace march in NY March 25

Dear all community leaders & honorable elected officials
We invite you to join our upcoming women’s march in the Bronx scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 25th, 2017. It is pertinent for Muslim women to speak out for their fear of discrimination and deportation.The recent ban on immigrants and discrimination has exerted a tremendous negative effect of fear and unrest plaguing the minority communities. Women want to be with their children and families but now live in fear trampling on their Human Rights. Your present at this event will bring healing to the women. Translating in solidarity, you stand with families.
The rally will take place in the Bronx, from Burnside and Grand Concourse, ending with a rally, at 161st Street, Joyce Kilmer Park on the Grand Concourse. The theme of the March is “No Permission Needed.”- a message is indicating, the Rights of people need be protected without discrimination based on their status or background.
We appreciate your constant support for immigrant communities in the City. Hoping to see you march with us. For further information, please contact
Mazeda A. Uddin
Founder /President (SAFEST)
Action Voice “Let’s wake the Community”
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