RUET silver jubilee not hosted 2 years after registration

Rajshahi – After the completion of two years of registration, silver jubilee of the Rajshhai University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) is yet to be organised. Students of the university are making liable authority’s indifference for this failure. On the other hand authority says, due to failing to get schedule of the arrival date of the Prime Minister they cannot organise the program.
According to the RUET register office, the first decision of observing Golden jubilee was taken on November, 2014. The registration process was begun on January where all present and former students, teachers, officials and officers were permitted to take part.
After the announcement of the program schedule authority is yet to provide fresh information.
Program Organizing Committee informed, RUET authority requested Prime-Minster Sheikh to address the function as Chief Guest and formal consent of participating the program was informed on behalf the PM office but due to political unrest then program could not be held and still yet to be held.
Two teachers of the committee informed that they communicated with PM office continuously but they could not find fix date of arrival PM. Keeping anonymous a teacher said, On June of this year at a annual meeting of UGC PM herself expressed his consent to the VC of RUET Rafiqul Alam Begh address the function but later it has been possible to fix the date.
Professor Dr. Rafiqul Alam Begh said, we sent to the PM formal invitation to address the function and she responded to our call. But we cannot fix time due to fixing the date of arrival of Prime Minister.
Besides our administration, former students are also trying to accelerate the program. On the other hand University students blaming the authority failing to organize the program. Their indifference is liable for longing the program.
Atik Mostafa, former student of Computer Science and Engineering said, we are fed up for the prolonging of the program.
Ahsan Ullah former student of the Electrical and Telecommunication department of the university said, we chalked many plans centering the program but prolonging the program is sorrowful. We are in expectation hastening the program. – RU Correspondent