A resilient and abundant ocean is essential to tackling climate change and key to providing sustainable food and jobs that boost recovery around the world.

A resilient and abundant ocean is essential to tackling climate change and key to providing sustainable food and jobs that boost recovery around the world.
The dwarf planet Ceres — long believed to be a barren space rock — is an ocean world with reservoirs of sea water beneath its surface, the results of a major exploration mission showed Monday.
By Erna Solberg and Tommy Remengesau, Jr. OSLO/NGERULMUD – From Jamaica to Palau and Norway to Indonesia, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis is global, and national recovery efforts must be globally focused to seize shared opportunities. Nowhere is this…
Experimental geoengineering schemes to protect areas such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef are “distracting technofixes” that violate an international moratorium on the largely untested tech projects, a coalition of nearly 200 environmental groups said Wednesday.
by Sahana Ghosh on 13 December 2019 • Scientists are exploring the use of satellites to track ocean acidification in the Greater Caribbean, the Amazon Plume and the Bay of Bengal. • Under a European Space Agency funded project, researchers…
Dhaka, June 27 – Underneath the salty waters of the North Atlantic ocean, geologists have discovered a giant aquifer of freshwater, hidden from view just off the US coast, reports Science Alert. While the vast size of this massive cache…
It’s a puzzle that has perplexed scientists for years: humanity dumps millions of tonnes of plastics into the world’s oceans annually, yet only a tiny fraction remains visible on the surface. Now an international team of researchers believe they may…
Ocean heat hit a record high in 2018, the United Nations said Thursday, raising urgent new concerns about the threat global warming is posing to marine life. In its latest State of the Climate overview, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)…
The Mexican government has created a large marine reserve around a group of islands home to hundreds of species including rays, whales and sea turtles. The Revillagigedo Archipelago is a group of volcanic islands off the country’s south-east coast. With…