Voters Panicked in 3 cities amid arrests: BNP

BNP on Saturday alleged that a sense of insecurity has crept into the minds of voters belonging to the 20-party alliance due to continued arrest and harassment by police in three cities that go to polls Monday.

Speaking at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi also alleged that the Election Commission is working out a design for holding lopsided elections to Rajshahi, Sylhet and Barishal at the ‘behest’ of the government.

“Opposition leaders and activists are being arrested in the three cities following the lists (made by the ruling party). There’s no enthusiasm among voters in the election areas as panic has gripped them,” he said.

The BNP leader further said, “The helpless family members of the leaders and activists of BNP and the 20-party have been suffering from a sense of insecurity due to non-stop harassment by police.”

Rizvi said the ruling party is devising a new model of vote rigging and driving out the voters and polling agents of BNP candidates in the three cities.

He alleged that the Election Commission is playing the role of a silent spectator instead of taking action against the violation of the election code of conduct and irregularities by law enforcers and ruling party men.

The BNP leader said police are raiding the houses of BNP leaders and activists and intimidating them and their families so that they do not go to polling stations on Monday.

Under the circumstances, people cannot depend on the administration and the Election Commission for holding a neutral and credible election.

He strongly protested and condemned the arrest and harassment of BNP leaders and activists, and demanded the government immediately release those arrested in the three cities.
