Youth’s body found stuffed inside almirah in city

Police recovered the body of a young man from inside an almirah at a house in old Dhaka city’s Lalbagh area on Sunday morning.
The deceased was identified as Alauddin Shikdar,29, son of Hossain Shikdar, a resident of house no. 202/2 of Bata Masjid at Lalbagh.Sub-inspector Abdul Hannan at Lalbagh police station said they had arrested Suman from in front of his house at 69, Duri Anguri Lane at Lalbagh around 9:00 pm on Saturday after he snatched away some money from a pedestrian.
Later on Sunday morning, a policeman overheard Suman telling his parents, who came to visit him at the police station, not to open the almirah in his room warning them of danger.
Later, on suspicion, police raided Suman’s house at 10:00am on Sunday and found Alauddin’s strangulated body stuffed inside the almirah.
Police, quoting Suman, said he had strangulated Alauddin to death at about 7:00 pm on Saturday.
Later, he wrapped the body in a quilt cover and kept it inside the almirah. – UNB