Bank officer kills wife, son: Sequel to affair alleged

Bank officer Aman Ullan Aman allegedly chocked his wife Arju and his son Sabid to death. Aman was having an illegal affair with a friend of his own wife Arju. An uncle of Arju, Younus Hawladar
filed a case against Aman and his girl friend Sanjida Yasmin Shuborna at Mirpur Model Thana. Police have arrested both of them.Irin Akhtar Arju was the daughter of late Abdur Rahman. She married Aman Ullah Aman, who is son of late Abdus Sobhan, about 10 years ago. Together they have 2 kids, Sabid (7) who is
killed with his mother and Tanvir (1). Aman’s girlfriend Sanjida Yasmin Shuborna is the daughter of AKM Siddikul Islam Bujruk.
Acting OC of Mirpur Thana Salah Uddin said that they have found enough proof that Aman killed his wife and son. Dead bodies of Arju and her son have been handed over to their relatives after the post mortem. – GreenWatch Dhaka Desk