BCS job assurance exposes govt’s extreme politicisation: BNP

BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Thursday said that PM’s adviser HT Imam’s reported assurance about arranging government jobs for Chhatra League activists has exposed the government’s extreme politicisation and nepotism.
“The government has already politicised the judiciary and the administration. PM’s adviser HT Imam at a programme yesterday (Wednesday) told the BCL men not to be worried about their jobs if they can only pass the written tests in civil service exams,” he said.
The BNP leader said, “This remark of an influential government man demonstrates the sorry condition of the administration. We think it has uncovered the government’s tremendous politicisation and partiality.”He made the comments while addressing a discussion at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh arranged by Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal, marking the ‘National Revolution and Solidarity Day’.
Earlier on Wednesday, HT Imam, addressing a programme of BCL at Dhaka University reportedly said, “We’ll see how much we can help you with the viva voce. Our leader (Sheikh Hasina) has told us to arrange jobs for you by any means.”
Criticising the remarks, Fakhrul said there is no scope for arranging government jobs for the activists of a particular party according to the Constitution.
“As per the Constitution, there should be no discrepancy over recruitment of people for government jobs, but now no one, except Chhatra League, gets the public services. Before providing BCS or government jobs, it’s now examined through the intelligences whether the candidate is pro-Awami League and Chhatra League or not. It’s complete violation of the Constitution,” he alleged.
The BNP leader continued: “We’ve heard, when anyone goes to the leader (Hasina) with a request for a job, she asks whether the candidate belongs to us.”
Fakhrul also said that there is an allegation of politicising the army as that of the public administration.
He alleged that Awami League assumes office deceiving people with its veil and false promises. “They start repressing and suppressing people just after taking power.”
The BNP leader said Awami League only talks about democracy, but never practices it. “Awami League only knows how to destroy democracy.”
He said people are their weapons and they will face the government’s repressive acts together with people.
Criticising the ruling party for foiling their November 8 rally at Suhrawardy Udyan rally, the BNP spokesman said Awami League does not allow BNP to observer the ‘National Revolution and Solidarity Day’ as the party has an adverse relationship with the day. – UNB