A Dhaka court on Sunday sent five accused persons including three officials of Biman Bangladesh Airlines to the jail in a case of gold smuggling at Shahjalal International Airport.The arrestees made confessional statements to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court of Dhaka on Sunday afternoon.
On completion of recording the deposition of the confessional statements of the accused, Magistrate Anwar Sadat of the CMM Court passed orders to send them to the jail.
The officials were arrested for their alleged involvement in the recent sensational gold smuggling at Shahjalal International Airport.
The lawyers of the accused sought bail for their clients while the court rejected their bail pleas. The accused persons are Biman’s Deputy General Manager Emdad Hossain, Chief of Planning and Scheduling Captain Abu Mohammad Aslam Shaheed, Manager (Scheduling) Mohammad Tozammel Hossain and owner of Farhan Money Exchange Harun-ur-Rashid and contractor of Biman Mahmudul Haque Palash. – Court Correspondent