Dhaka, Jan 07 – The ruling Awami League (AL) general secretary Obaidul Quader on Monday said that the newly formed Sheikh Hasina-led cabinet size might be expanded if needed in near future.“Our prime minister formed such cabinet to implement the party’s election promises. The size of the new cabinet might be expanded against the demand in future. There is no dissatisfaction inside AL,” he said.
Quader, the second consecutive minister for road transport and bridges, came with the statements while talking to the reporters at his secretariat office in the city.
The AL general secretary said the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is very serious about the performances of the cabinet members. Those who will fail to deliver his duties and responsibilities will lose their
positions from the cabinet, he added.
He said this time the party president gave emphasis on those districts from where there had been no minister for a long time and the new faces have been picked from those districts. The people of the country have taken the new cabinet positively. The cabinet involving new and old ones will be more dynamic, he added.
Replying to a question about dropping senior leaders from the new cabinet, the AL leader said, it’s not true that they were dropped but it can be seen as changes in their responsibilities. From now on they
can give attention to the party, he added.
Mentioning that the government and the party are two separate entities, he said senior leaders will work for making the party well-organised one.
The Awami League is now united and stronger than any other time in the past under the dynamic leadership of Sheikh Hasina, he added.
Earlier, a 47-member new cabinet, led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, was sworn in at Bangabhaban at 3 pm.
About the new Sheikh Hasina government’s main challenge is to curb corruption by establishing rule of law and to implement the party’s election manifesto that had been announced before the elections.
About the expulsion of alliance partners of AL, from the new cabinet, the AL minister said: “they are with us and will be with us. Now there is no alliance leader in the cabinet but in the future, they might be
inducted in the cabinet.” – Staff Reporter