Justice done

Decisive victory for the persecuted Christians in India

In 2016, Pastor Balu, his wife, his son, and members of his congregation were violently attacked, later detained by the police and falsely accused of forcing conversions to Christianity.
It brings me great joy to announce that, after a long legal battle, Pastor Balu has been acquitted of the charges held against him under India’s anti-conversion laws.
All people have the right to freely choose and live out their faith. This landmark ruling shows that the fundamental rights of Christians can, and should be protected in the courtroom, and through effective legal advocacy.
The acquittal of Pastor Balu and his family is a vital step in the protection of religious freedom in India. Now he can continue to tend to his small community of Christians without state interference.
Pastor Balu provides a telling example of the injustices faced by religious minorities in India
Unfortunately, this is not the only case where Christians have been falsely accused under anti-conversion laws.
The case of Pastor Balu provides a telling example of the injustices faced by local religious minorities, where violence against Christians in particular has risen significantly.
Source: Paul Coleman globalmedia@adfinternational.org via gmail.mcsv.net