It has been a great joy to celebrate with a pro-life student group after the Students’ Union (SU) at Nottingham University reversed a decision to prevent the group from affiliating to the SU following legal intervention.The Nottingham Students’ Union had argued that the values of the pro-life group “did not align” with its own and rejected the group’s application for affiliation. With our help, Nottingham Students for Life were able to challenge the decision, arguing that the Union had a legal commitment to represent all students whether or not they agreed with their beliefs.
Over the last year, student representative bodies at Glasgow University, Strathclyde University, and Aberdeen University have all had to reverse their decisions to refuse affiliation to pro-life groups after the groups threatened legal proceedings.
It is our hope that other student representative bodies will pay careful attention to this outcome and affirm freedom of expression and association on university campuses.
Paul Coleman, Executive Director