SAFEST hails court decision allowing admin relief to be implemented

Dhaka-South Asian Fund For Education, Scholarship &Training (SAFEST) today hailed the court’s decision to allow the implementation of President Obama’s executive actions that will grant administrative relief to millions of immigrant families.(Founder/President), issued the following statement:
“Today’s decision is an historic victory for our fight for families across the country. Finally, immigrant families can move forward, now that the Supreme Court agreed that the President acted within his legal authority in creating the DAPA and DACA expansion policies.
“Tonight, millions of American children, their siblings, and their parents can go to sleep with the knowledge that their families will soon be able to apply for immigration documents and eventually live their lives in peace. They will be able to do all the basic things that many of us take for granted: get a driver’s license, change jobs, purchase a car or a home, plan for the future–now that they know these programs will go forward.
South Asian Fund For Edication, Scholarship &Training (SAFEST) is thrilled the court saw that the lawsuit was nothing but a thinly veiled attempt by anti-immigrant lawmakers to intentionally hurt our Latino, South Asian and all immigrant families. This decision should be a warning to other anti-immigrant lawmakers that their efforts to thwart our families will be met with defeat.
“The Supreme Court has spoken and DAPA and DACA+ should be implemented without further delay. Our families have waited too long and are eager to turn today’s hard-fought victory into reality for their families. We urge the Obama administration to move forward with the implementation as soon as possible. Name of Organization stands ready to help the Administration throughout the implementation process.
“Today’s victory is only a step forward in our fight for families. South Asian Fund For Education,Scholarship & Training(SAFEST) will not stop fighting until we win comprehensive immigration reform for all of the undocumented immigrants waiting to become full-fledged citizens.” -News Desk