The World Bank has approved $600 million for two projects in Bangladesh to help over 1.75 million poor and vulnerable populations.
Tag: poverty
ত্রাণ সহায়তায় এগিয়ে এলো বিসিএস ৯ম ব্যাচ ফোরাম
কোভিড-১৯ এর দ্বিতীয় ঢেউয়ের কারণে চলাচল সীমিতকরণের নির্দেশনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে কর্মহীন মানুষের মানবিক সহায়তায় এগিয়ে এলো বিসিএস নবম ব্যাচ ফোরাম।
প্রশাসনকে দরিদ্র মানুষের প্রতি মানবিক আচরণ করার আহ্বান
খেটে খাওয়া দরিদ্র মানুষের প্রতি প্রশাসনকে মানবিক আচরণ করার আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন ইসলামী আন্দোলন বাংলাদেশের আমীর মুফতী সৈয়দ মোহাম্মদ রেজাউল করীম পীর সাহেব চরমোনাই।
Robi to stand beside underprivileged people during Ramadan
Dhaka, Apr 15 : Robi has come up with an innovative Iftar donation campaign to stand with the underprivileged people of the society in the holy month of Ramadan.
Corporate step on Argentina, Bolivia for Pvt Pension give-up
If Argentina and Bolivia lose the disputes, it means that impoverished citizens and elderly pensioners will have to compensate wealthy financial corporations.
Highest-ever fund promised to IFAD to tackle hunger, poverty
US$3.8 billion, that’s how much the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will now be able to invest in the world’s rural poor.
দারিদ্র্যের হার ৪২% পৌঁছানোই প্রমাণ করে করোনা মোকাবেলায় সরকার ব্যর্থ
ইসলামী আন্দোলন বাংলাদেশ-এর সিনিয়র নায়েবে আমীর মুফতী সৈয়দ মুহাম্মাদ ফয়জুল করীম শায়খে চরমোনাই বলেছেন, সার্বিক দারিদ্র্যের হার ৪২% পৌঁছানোই প্রমাণ করে করোনা পরিস্থিতি মোকাবেলায় সরকার সম্পূর্ণ ব্যর্থ।
COVID-19 could push over 1 bln into extreme poverty: UNDP
An additional 207 million people could be pushed into extreme poverty by severe long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic, bringing the total number to more than 1 billion by 2030, according to a new study from the UN Development Programme…
Millions of New Poor Are on the Way – Who Cares?
By Roberto Savio ROME, Nov 26 2020 (IPS) – The recent meeting of the G20 – scheduled to take place in Riyadh but held virtually due to the Coronavirus pandemic – has been an eloquent example of how the world…
Sold baby gets back mom, thanks to Aditmari UNO
A physically-challenged woman, who had to sell her newborn due to poverty, got back the baby with the help of the Aditmari Upazial Nirbahi Officer (UNO) on Friday.
Baby sold to pay clinic bill returned to mother in Gaibandha
At the intervention of Law Minister Anisul Huq, the Gaibandha district administration on Sunday tracked down the newborn who was sold by his parents to meet bills of a private clinic, at Sadullapur Upazila and sent him to mother Anjula…
Tragic: Mother sells newborn to pay hospital bills
A woman, who gave birth at a clinic in Gaibandha, sold her baby for Tk 16,000 to foot her medical bills.
একটি পরিবারের নীরব আর্তনাদ
শ্রদ্ধেয় স্যার ও ম্যাডাম, আমার সালাম নিবেন। অনুগ্রহ করে আমার এই ইমেইল খারাপভাবে নিবেন না। আমি আপনাদের কারো মেয়ে আর কারো ছোট বোন এর মতো। আমার নাম আল্পনা, আমি বর্তমানে নারায়ণগঞ্জ এর ফতুল্লাহ থানার, শিবু মার্কেট, এলাকায় পরিবার নিয়ে ভাড়া…
Modern slavery in Asia Pacific fuelled by poverty, migration
By Neena Bhandari SYDNEY, Australia, May 15 2020 (IPS) – Aged 17, Moe Turaga was saddled with the responsibility of providing for his mother and young siblings when a family member approached him with the promise of a job and…
PM launches cash disbursement for 5m poor families
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday inaugurated the disbursement of Tk 1,250 crore cash aid for five million poor families hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.
63% coastal poor households borrow loan from local lenders
A recent survey finds that about 63% of coastal poor households have borrowed loan from local money lenders at high-interest rates due to absent of institutional credit facilities. The survey also finds 57% of households are suffering from food crisis…
Mitigate Covid-19 caused hunger surge before it is too late
By Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo ROME, Apr 28 2020 (IPS) – Many uncertainties haunt the world’s campaign to counter the COVID-19 pandemic, but one thing is now sure: Global economic activity will suffer greatly, with large-scale consequences for the incomes…
রিক-নরসিংদী জোনের অসহায় দরিদ্র সদস্যদের মাঝে ত্রান বিতরণ
অদ্য ২৫.০৪.২০২০ইং রিসোর্স ইন্টিগ্রেশন সেন্টার (রিক), নরসিংদী জোনের আওতাধীন ৪টি এরিয়া (নরসিংদী এরিয়া ২৫০জন, নারায়নগঞ্জ এরিয়া ১৫০জন, গাজীপুর এরিয়া ১৫০জন, পূবাইল এরিয়া ২০০জন সহ) সর্বমোট ৭৫০জন দরিদ্র সদস্যদের মাঝে সামাজিক দূরত্ব ও নিরাপত্তা বজায় রেখে নিত্য প্রয়োজনীয় বিভিন্ন খাদ্যসামগ্রী ক্রয়ের…
Mother sells hair for Taka 180 ($2) to buy milk for baby
Savar (Dhaka), April 22 – The nationwide shutdown aimed at curbing coronavirus has left her day-labourer husband jobless, leading their family, including her toddler, to starvation. As the family is new in the locality, no-one gave them any relief either.
UNO office besieged in Brahmanbaria for relief
Several hundred people besieged the office of Sarail upazila nirbahi officer on Tuesday demanding relief.
People not in safety net count need to be seen and supported
Mostafa Kamal Majumder As the duration of the coronavirus lockdown is in the fourth week in Bangladesh beginning on March 26, new categories of people vulnerable to hunger are emerging. They are normally not the people to ask for support…
Covid-19 crisis, crime, poverty: Need for social security
By Hassanal Noor Rashid Global inequality and injustice have been heated topics and of deep social concern throughout human history. In January 2020, OXFAM (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief), a reputable confederation of charitable organisations, declared in a widely circulated…
Give Tk 8,000 to 19mn households each for two months: CPD
Dhaka, April 14 – The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) has proposed providing with Tk 8,000 per month for two months to each of 1.9 crore households, close to the lower poverty line, as COVID-19 pandemic put the poor people…
Alive Amidst the Mayhem of Covid-19 – A Sex Worker’s Story
By Fairuz Ahmed NEW YORK, Apr 9 2020 (IPS) – For a Bangladeshi woman, who has been a sex worker since childhood, her post-COVID-19 future looks hopeless. Shilpy, who works at Daulatdia, the largest brothel in the country, told IPS…
Waive slum rent amid Coronavirus shutdown: Rights groups
Dhaka, April 08 – Leaders of organisations, working for rights of low-income people, demanded waiver of rent for slum dwellers as they have become jobless due to nationwide shutdown aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus.
Poor rickshaw-van puller’s suicide hits wife, 4 orphans hard
Failing to bear the agony of abject poverty amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis, a man allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself at Dalbhanga village in Maheshpur upazila on Tuesday night.
Poor people demonstrate for food in Jashore
Benapole, Jessore, April 06 – Around 200 low-income and poor people demonstrated in front of Manirampur Upazila Parishad in Jashore demanding food aid as there is no income because of restrictions on movement to curb coronavirus transmission.
PM seeks list of distressed people to provide govt assistance
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday asked the officials concerned to prepare a list of distressed people for providing government assistance so that they could face the tough time evolved over coronavirus pandemic.
A $650 mn pledge aimed at eradicating extreme hunger by 2030
By Thalif Deen UN, Nov 22 2019 (IPS) – When a coalition of international donors pledged more than $650 million to provide assistance to over 300 million smallholder farmers in developing countries, the primary aim was to help increase agricultural…
More than one BD household out of every 10 landless
Dhaka, Oct 27 (UNB) – The preliminary report of the sixth agricultural census 2019 on Sunday revealed that 11.33 percent of the households do not possess any land.